This is the post that has been waiting an entire year to be written. This is the post where I make myself vulnerable and tell you some private things about myself. My name is Katja, and I have Lyme Disease.
This past week, I celebrated the third birthday of Savory Lotus. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I would become a food blogger. But just look at me now! What started out as a creative outlet for a burned out mama has blossomed into a life changing career. For that I am grateful.
With each passing milestone, we get the opportunity to reflect and to assess where we have been and where we want to go. I want Savory Lotus to grow along with me, reflecting where I am at in my own life. So I have decided to do something that I have not done much of here before: I’m going to get a little personal with you all here today. Hang with me here. This is a long post.
My life is full of so many beautiful things: my 2 sweet daughters, my amazing husband, my supportive community of friends and family, and so much abundance. I strive to be a good example to the people around me, and I pride myself on being genuine and authentic. So in order to be a more authentic version of myself, I have decided to talk about the chronic health issue that I live with daily.
One of the things that I attempt to do as a food blogger is to make things look beautiful. I try to make pretty food. I try to take pretty pictures. And I try to show what a healthy lifestyle looks like. I personally follow several blogs myself that are loaded with amazingly beautiful images that make life look perfect. But life is not really perfect, now is it?
Behind each perfect looking food blog is a person with a real life, a unique story. And this is my story.
My name is Katja, and I have Lyme Disease.
Just writing that sentence here on my precious blog is hard. I want my blog to be pretty. I want my blog to be happy and healthy. I guess I’m somewhat of a perfectionist. But life is not always like that.
Five years ago, I was a relatively healthy woman living my life, raising my teenaged daughter, doing yoga, eating healthy, traveling as often as I could. I had noticed that I was a bit more tired than usual. But I was working hard and playing hard. Life was good. Then I got pregnant with my second child. The pregnancy was not as easy as my first, but I was 15 years older than the first time.
After sweet Pearl was born, I began to notice that something was not quite right. I was even more tired than before. But I did have a newborn. I just didn’t feel like myself. A year and half goes by and things were not getting better. I was still tired. I was moody. My digestion was starting to be really off. My belly hurt when I ate. I was bloated and uncomfortable after meals. Something was not right!
I did eventually go to my doctor to talk about my health. I got countless blood tests and procedures done to try to figure out what was happening. No one had any answers for me. My gastrointestinal specialist told me I had IBS (irritable bowel syndrome.) But I KNEW it was more than that. I wanted to know how a healthy woman goes from feeling good to feeling so sick in such a short amount of time.
Long story short, it has been an incredible long journey to figure out what is going on, which is the case for many people with Lyme Disease. Luckily I was able to find someone who could finally help me. Through connections I made from my blogging community, I met a Functional Medicine doctor who worked with me to improve my digestive issues. After almost a year of working with him, something was still off. I could feel SOMETHING inside me that was not right. I pushed for more testing. I wanted to know. That’s when I got the call. “Katja, you tested positive for Lyme Disease.”
That was a little over a year ago. And my life has not been the same since. At first I was in a bit of denial. Then I got a little angry. Why me? Then I got super aggressive about wanting to just treat it and be done. Now I am settling into the fact that this is my life. This is the work that I have to do. And I can even begin to see some of the gifts that it has brought into my life.
If you have made it this far, thanks so much for reading. I’m just a person who wants to be heard and acknowledged. My story is important to me. I am a real person with a unique story. My life is not perfect. And I want to share my story in case it might help someone else who is struggling.
6 Things I’ve Learned from Having Lyme Disease
1.Life is now.
Life is precious, and not a single moment of it should be wasted. Coming to terms with my chronic illness has made me realize how important it is to savor every moment. I no longer have the time or energy to waste on things that do not serve me. I have made my family priority number one in my life. I have created a work life that allows me to actually have a life. Working a job day in and day out that makes you unhappy is a waste of time. And can make you sick. Healthy living is finding a balance with it all. And what a gift it is to be reminded to enjoy the simple things.
2. Life is a journey.
Once I got over the initial denial and anger of my diagnosis, I wanted to just deal with it and be done with it. I wanted to treat aggressively and quickly. But that is not how Lyme Disease works. Once you have had undiagnosed Lyme Disease like I have, it becomes a chronic illness that is difficult to treat. This will be a lifelong journey for me. Even after finishing treatment and putting my Lyme Disease into remission (hopefully!), it will always be something that lives in my body. It will be my work to keep my body healthy and my immune system strong so I do not have a relapse.
It’s really amazing to look back at my life and realize that everything that has happened to me so far in my life has led up to this moment. My lifelong obsession with clean living, my 20 year yoga practice, my training in Ayurvedic Medicine. my 11 years as a registered nurse, all the people I have met and the connections I have made, and my super amazing family and support system have all prepared me for the daunting, scary, and long journey of healing from Lyme Disease.
The biggest lesson here for me is that I am not my diagnosis. There is more to me than the bacterial illness that lives inside me. Having Lyme Disease is just another lesson in life to teach me the things that I need to know. And life isn’t about perfection. Even thought I work hard to style and shoot pretty pictures for my blog, life is real. Life is not always pretty. And it’s OK.
3. Lyme disease is an invisible illness.
People with Lyme Disease often do not look sick. It is not something you see on the outside. It can be hard to understand how a person can be feeling so horrible when they look “fine.” I have some really bad days where I feel like absolute garbage, but my life still has to go on. I don’t often talk about it because it’s just part of life for me right now. And I try to ignore when people get annoyed by my VERY restricted diet that I am on to heal my Lymes. Trust me, I want to be eating ALL THE THINGS too. This has taught me unlimited compassion for others around me. You never know what is happening in someone’s life. I try hard not to judge. I try to see the best in everyone. I truly believe that people are doing the best that they can in the moment. This brings me to point #4.
4. Everyone has something.
Since being diagnosed, I have been pretty open with my friends and family about my health. Being vulnerable in this way has been hard as I value clean living so much, and I have worked so hard live a healthy life. It has been humbling to surrender to something that is completely out of my control.
Something I have come to understand is that my situation is not unique. Everyone has something they struggle with. Everyone has something that challenges their health. Some people suffer from body aches and pains. Some people have digestive issues. I know many people with diabetes. Several friends of mine have thyroid issues. And some people struggle with less visible issues like poor self-esteem and body shaming. It has been such a gift for me to hear other peoples’ stories. Somehow as I have been more open about my struggles, it has invited others to share with me. We can all learn so much from each other.
5. Getting good healthcare is hard to do.
OK, I’m going to try hard not to rant about the healthcare system here. Being registered nurse, I see both sides of it. But I can say that it is EXTREMELY expensive to get good care in the United States. I personally pay out of pocket for almost all of my healthcare. Because chronic Lyme Disease is not recognized as a real thing in this country, insurance does not cover any of my treatment. Due to political agendas and cover ups, it is very hard for people with Lyme Disease to get the support that we need.
And this seems to be true for many other conditions. Big Pharma and insurance companies are in the business of making money off of our misfortunes and illnesses. And it has been my experience that the best and most knowledgeable practitioners are often not covered by insurance – probably because they stray from the mainstream approach and treatment protocols. And like I said, Big Pharm and the insurance companies are about making money, not helping people get healthy. End rant!
6. Self care is important.
This is something I cannot stress enough. Regular self care is what keeps us from being burned out and exhausted. And now more than ever, I have to find time for small daily rituals that keep my body healthy and happy.
The really bummer part about Lyme Disease is that with treatment, things usually get WAY worse before they get better. As the Lyme bacteria is killed off by treatment, there is a buildup of toxins released into the bloodstream. This can cause many uncomfortable symptoms. Keeping the detox pathways of the body open and moving is crucial to my well-being and recover.
This is true for all of us. We live in a world full of toxic chemicals and pollution. We are exposed to so much that is out of our control, even if we live a clean life and eat clean food. There are many gentle detox routines you can incorporate into your life that will support your body’s natural elimination systems. One of my favorites is taking a detox bath.
Again, thanks for reading my story. It is not easy to admit to the world that I am not well. It is not easy to come to terms with the fact that this is something that I will live with for the rest of my life. I have a long road of treatment and self care ahead of me. But I’m still here. MY life is still good. And don’t worry, Savory Lotus is not turning into a blog about being sick. I am still going to keep creating delicious real food recipes for you all and taking pictures. I’m going to keep doing what I love because it makes me happy!
P.S. Interested in learning more about my journey? Read Part 2 HERE
Want to know more about Lyme Disease?
I highly recommend watching the informative and eye-opening documentary, Under Our Skin. Before I was diagnosed, I knew very little about Lyme Disease and the controversy surrounding it.
I also HIGHLY recommend reading Healing Lyme by Stephen Buhner (the NEW 2nd edition). It is by the far the most well-researched book on Lyme Disease that I have read. It is very informative and eye opening.
I would love to hear your thoughts and stories. Leave me a comment below.
photos by Dawn Heumann Photography
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Thank you so much for opening up and being so vulnerable., Katja. I pray for your healing, and for the people you will help through sharing your journey.
Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. 🙂
Would you be willing to share what you did to achieve remission? My son suffers from chronic Lyme and his functional medicine doctor is at a loss as to how to help him further.
Hi, Laurie! So sorry to hear about your son. Chronic Lyme is such a hard thing to deal with. I am actually not is remission (yet!). It will be a long journey for me. I have spent the past year getting my gut back into shape. That has been my biggest issue with Lyme. I am about to start more treatment for Lyme next month. The most important thing to do is to find a Lyme literate doctor, someone who has experience in treatment and understands the different protocols. I switched from my Functional Medicine doc when I was diagnosed to a Lyme literate doc in my area. He happens to also be a Func Med doc. Treatment can vary. There are herbal approaches as well as antibiotic approaches. I have done quite a bit of the herbal approaches already. Now I have to decide if I am ready for antibiotics. It’s best to work closely with a knowledgeable practitioner to find the best approach for your son. The most difficult part for me has been the cost. It has been 9and still is) very expensive for me to get treatment. Insurance only covers my labs. Everything else is out of pocket. I wish you luck. Please feel free to email me at for specific questions. I am happy to help in any way that I can!
Please check out a Registered BioEnergetics Practitioner for a Holistic approach. The practitioners are listed under
Thank you, Linda! Will check it out! 🙂
Look into Medical Medium. Reclaimersofhealth on Instagram healer her lymes with his information, and I’m currently healing my graves.
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Katja! I loved reading it and learning more about you. I couldn’t agree with you more that we all have something and self-care is key!
Thank you so much for the kind words. It took a lot for me to post this. But I want to be real. Yes, self care is so important. I have to keep reminding myself of that! 🙂
For me the hardest thing is to get the diagnosis . There are so many strains of Lyme and tick borne illness. I had five strains tested and they are negative, yet I had two to three bullseye tick bites over the past 4-5 years and they say I don’t have Lyme! I have symptoms I believe. How do I get this tested correctly for a diagnosis so I can press ahead with treatment for the disease? Without a diagnosis I cannot be correctly treated and so it will continue to deteriorate me as a result.
The gold standard to tick borne illness diagnosis is IGeneX in Palo Alto, CA. If you can find a doctor who will send your test there, you can get a clear picture if you have any of the tick borne infections. Unfortunately it is not cheap. I paid $1300 for my testing. But I wanted to know for sure. Good luck on your healing journey.
You also can test with igenex and not get the large of a panel and still have a much more reliable test than mainstream medicine offers. That is what we just did with my son. 200$ for the igg and igm through igenex.
There are apparently a few good labs in the US. I saw a webinar with Dr Tim Jackson but can’t remember the ones he listed. If you contact him I’m sure you could get the list. I’m not a patient but have heard good things.
Katja, thank you so much for posting this, and to Eat Beautiful for reposting on Facebook which is where I came across it. I needed to read these words today at the very moment I did!
HI, Mary! We are all in this together. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Hi Katja, We have very similar stories, and I want to tell you that there is hope for recovery. I too was misdiagnosed and suffered terribly until I got proper care. I feel your pain about the healthcare issue too…I went the antibiotic route ( which I would not do again..) and those meds and some of the labs were covered, but every thing else was out of pocket..whew !! It took a couple years to feel okay, but as you know…we still have good days and not so good days.
There are many avenues to explore to regain your health. I just finished reading a book where this man feels that there is not such thing as lyme and that all people that that get diagnosed, really have epstein barr virus and the tick bite just puts it in to overdrive. I sort of poo pooed this idea until I got tested….I have chronic epstein barr. Very interesting to say the least.
All I would say to someone that has lyme is hang in there,be kind to your body and your mind, and do your homework . There are many supplements to take and of course…many healing foods to eat, so……having said that, thank you for the wonderful recipes! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and wish you a healthy new year !
Thank you so much for your comment and words of wisdom. It mean a lot to me. This whole Lyme thing is so complicated. I am glad that you are feeling better. I did get tested for EBV. Negative. But there is so much more to it than just one bacteria. I’m on a journey. And people like you help keep me motivated.
Katja, thank you for sharing your story…I learned so much!
You have a good attitude…I wish you the best in your journey!
Thank you, June! I really appreciate it.
Thank you for telling your story. I became chronically sick with digestive issues following a C.Diff infection I contracted after taking the antibiotic Cipro. I found your blog while searching for real food recipes while following the GAPS Diet to try to heal my gut. So much of your story is mine. The looking good on the outside while feeling lousy, the very strict diet, paying for healthcare out of pocket, trying to come to terms with chronic sickness as a part of your life. I am sorry for your suffering also, thank you for sharing your story though, you have given me encouragement to keep trying while living with chronic illness.
HI, Jennifer! Never give up. It takes strength to get through. Yu can do it. There are so mnay of us in the same boat. Hang in there. We can do this!
Thank you for sharing with us. This makes me appreciate you, your blog, and life, a whole lot more. It’s so eloquently written and makes me realize that life is what you make it, so thank you for that. I wish you and everyone else, good health, happy relations, and long life.
Thank you for the kind word, Leon. Means a lot to me. 🙂
Thanks for your story. It is similar to mine, only my diagnosis was Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an auto-immune condition. (happily, now in remission without drugs).
So glad that you are doing better. Thanks so much for stopping by.
How did you get to remission?
How did you get into remission, i have hashis and probably lymes
I was tested for Lyme many years ago. The test came back with a false negative. So, I continued on getting sicker. This went on for years. Then I had a triple by-pass and could not snap back. Some days I was too tired to go to bed and slept on the couch.
If you live anywhere near New Jersey, may I recommend the Chung Institute of Integrative Medicine. I truly believe that if not for them, I would not be alive. I have/had every ailment mentioned in your blog. Yes, it is costly but sometimes, as you already do, you must chose health. My motto is “whatever it takes.”, prescribed supplements, and yes antibiotics. My first treatment was antibiotics, then homeopathics, then a different antibiotic then a different homeopathic to prevent the Lyme from developing immunity. This went on until I was cleared. The Lyme came back twice but an alert doctor caught it very early and it was quickly knocked out again.
If I followed your type of diet, I would be in big trouble! Please get tested for allergies! If you can go to Chun’s Institute, you will be tested. They are very sparing in the use of antibiotics, and Lyme is too dangerous not to take antibiotics! (I also avoid antibiotics and traditional meds). I have much to share, so please feel free to contact me. You are not your Lyme.
God bless you and I will be praying for you.
Thanks for your comment. Sounds like you had a wonderful doctor. It is so important to fond someone who you trust to work with. I am about to dive in head firts into what you just wrote about.
Hello Roberta,
I am considering Chungs for lyme. Would you be willing to share your experience with me. I am in NJ and need a good doctor.
Email me at and we can chat! 🙂
Katja….thank you for sharing this, really! People everywhere need to understand how devastating Lyme is – physically, financially, emotionally, and, yes, spiritually. It can be a real crucible. My husband had (has?) chronic undiagnosed Lyme and we went through 7 or 8 years of hell. He is a strong man who lives to work and be active and on any given day he might be in bed 2-5 hours mid day and asleep in his food at dinner time, unable to think or communicate. Now, after 7 years, he is up early most days, works hard with his body at his job (makes me worry that he may over do it), and gets that glazed over tired zombie thing at around 8 pm. Before, the veil would lift for about 10 minutes every two months. It was terrifying and financially disastrous. BUT what I really want to say, is that with time, the body CAN heal. I think after 7 years, many of his cells had replicated and could somehow handle things better. Who knows which of the crazy, traditional, or combo things we tried actually worked, but healing the gut is TOPS. One thing that I think really really helped my husband, which he continues to this day, is to eat raw fermented food before meals as often as he can. The raw fermented ginger carrots made in MA as well as the sauerkraut and kimchi really seemed to help. He lived on fish broth and mild fish for a while. Needless to say, he is gluten free (and was before Lyme). Also, baths with lots and lots of epsom salts and sometimes apple cider vinegar, getting his mercury fillings safely removed (a major player we think), and lots of support and prayers from family and friends. Have courage – you spent a lifetime taking good care of your body. Give it time and rest a ton and let the miracles of healing happen. I am rooting for you!
HI, Michelle! Thank you so much for sharing your story. It helps so much to hear what others have gone through. I am so glad to hear that your hubby is feeling better. It is such a journey. I agree about the gut and fermented foods. And all the self care. I hope he continues to get better and better.
Thank you for posting your journey with a chronic illness. I have Crohn’s disease and can really relate to having an invisible illness, not getting the complete care I need from the medical system, and how being open about my illness has shown me how everyone truly does deal with something! That is the beauty and pain of life. I have been following your blog for a long time…I have made many of your recipes and share many of your interests. From essential
oils to organic and safe beauty products. Thanks for all of your inspiration❤️
Yes, I am learning that many people share my story. It’s wonderful to feel the support and validation. Thank you so much!
Katja, thank you so much for sharing a bit of your story and vulnerability – you are SO right, it’s easy to look at pretty food blogs and bloggers and think about how together y’all are, it’s good to know from my side anyway that I’m not in this journey alone.
I’m also very grateful for the lessons I have learnt on my road to healing, it has helped me and continues to help me to become a better version of me than I was before and also empowers me to help other Christians with autoimmune and stress-related conditions. I do believe very much in health and healing no matter what it looks like form the outside, anything and everything is always possible even full remission whether scientists agree or not.
I am believing God for full healing in my health and sometimes letting go of the ‘perfect’ life ideal and embracing our weaknesses is all we need to do.
Thank you again for sharing your life with us.
Thank you for your comment. I am so blown away by all of the kindness and support.
Hi Katja,
Thank you for sharing your health journey with Lyme disease. You’ve taken something awful, learned from your struggles, found the good and now paid it forward to helping others. Family and friends are an important part of the healing process and are the main source of our happiness.
I appreciate your blog of healthy beautiful foods, in this imperfect world, to health bring health to people and to me.
I was diagnosed with Lupus, when I was 14. Like you, I was in denial. My parents were taking me out of school, to go to a hospital and I told them I was fine. My faith in God, family and friends helped me to keep going. I learned to not sweat the little things, as I used to be a perfectionist. There are a few things that have never gone away, as making our bed every morning and not going to bed with a dirty kitchen and dishes. But as you said, things happen and you choose to focus on what you can do and those around you. I don’t remember all your words of wisdom, but you brought out a lot of good points. i am saving this page of yours, to read later and keep myself and the right path.
Thank you so much. I look forward to learning how to be healthier, through healthy cooking. Take care and God bless you and those whose lives you touch.
Thank you so much, Debbie for your thoughtful and kind comment. It has been really amazing to hear all the responses to this post that is so dear to me. I am learning that we are all just trying to live, survive, and hopefully even thrive. It feels good to not feel so alone in my journey!
Hi Katja! I just stumbled upon your blog looking for a good gluten-free naan/flatbread. (I just enjoyed your Grain-free Rosemary Garlic Flatbread with my homemade red lentil dal – so good!) I was touched by your Lymes story. Made me cry because I’ve been there. I’ve got that pesky spirochete living in me too. I remember in 2002 when I started to just feel “off”. I was always very active and athletic, then suddenly I could barely hike up a hill at times. Then in 2004 I was stretched thin – emotionally, physically, and mentally. My immune system was pushed to the brink and the flood gates were opened. A mish-mash of symptoms, the worse being painful neck and joints. It got to the point where I could barely walk. Someone suggested maybe Lymes. So I went to the doctor and TOLD him I had Lymes and insisted that he give me antibiotics. Trust me the last thing I want to give my body is antibiotics, but things were getting so bad that something had to be done quickly. He put me on Doxycycline for 5 weeks. My joints got better, but of course I’ve never been the same. I knew at that point that for the rest of my life it would be my responsibility to keep myself in tip top health, to always keep my immune system strong. And I firmly believe without a doubt that the best way to do that is with food, and also herbs. Keep giving the body what it needs to heal itself. Thus started my journey and passion with food and health. I stumbled across the Body Ecology Diet. It did amazing things for me and I still live by her principles. I highly recommend to every one to read her book and incorporate her basic principles into everyday eating (e.g, proper food combining, acid/alkaline balance, cleansing). I then went on 100% raw vegan diet. That also did amazing things for my body. Raw is my go-to diet whenever I’m feeling rundown or start having unexplained ailments. Eating 100% raw is not always easy, so I don’t beat myself up if I can’t stick to it. At minimum I try to eat fresh organic homemade food, sans grain, corn, and soy.
Sorry for the long post….. But hang in there girl! There is a lot you CAN control when it comes to your health. Diet is HUGE – for many health problems that ail us. Just remember, it’s about giving your body what it needs to heal itself, and minimizing exposure to things that hinder it. And yes, it is all a journey. A journey of learning, loving, and persevering.
Peace and Love,
(PS. I will soon be starting my own food blog… stay tuned 🙂
Thanks so much for the words of encouragement and for sharing your story. We have so much to learn from each other. Would love to hear about your food blog when you start it. Keep me posted.
Thank you for posting. A good friend of mine was recently diagnosed with Lyme and is experiencing the same issues as you. Good luck to you.
The more that I talk about my Lyme Disease, the more I realize how many people are affected. I hope your friend is getting the help that she needs.
Thank you this was very timely. I believe I’ve had Lyme since 1996 but didn’t find out until three years ago. I’ve done everything I can naturally but can’t continue to afford everything. I may have an opportunity to receive antibiotic treatment which freaks me out but I wonder if I’ve hit that point where I did what I could and need antibiotics for a while to get it more manageable.
Hi, Heather! I totally get what you are saying. It is such a struggle. And such a big expense. I am in the midst of trying to decide what treatment to do. Have you heard of the Buhner Protocol? I highly recommend reading Healing Lyme by Stephen Buhner (the new 2nd edition) if you have not. It has been very informative and eye opening for me. All I can say is, listen to your heart and your gut. Lyme Disease is different for everyone, and there is no right answer. I hope that you find some answers and some healing. Praying for us all!
Hi Katja, Thank you for sharing your story. I stumbled on your blog looking for recipes on watermelon ice blocks, you really opened up and wrote so honestly that I felt your story. I totally agree, everyone has something going on and self care is so important. I wish you the best on your recovering journey and look forward to keeping up with your blog story and healthy living recipes 🙂
Thank you, Sandy! It has been so amazing to hear everyone’s feedback and support. It really means a lot to me!
Hey Katya… wonder woman !!! How gorgeous are you to have such a challenging health issue, kids, hubby, work … and then decide to explore & research – so you can not only change yourself – but also to share this journey you are on so you can help others too. Go Girl ….. and lots of luck on your quest …. if anyone can change things I bet you can!!! I come from “The Land Down Under” (Melbourne) & we too have ticks all over Oz – especially in the bush … not from deer though – although people are now beginning to breed deer here too. Australia originally only had soft-padded animals, so all these introduced species have created havoc for the indigenous species and Aboriginal people. Anyway back to the tics …. if we are bitten by a tick we use 100 per cent Eucalyptus Oil and (carefully) tip the bottle upside down over the bite area until the little blighter is asphyxiated … it is dangerous to leave the head inside the body which is what often happens when people try to pick the tick out with tweezers. I also thought you may be interested to read this article on an “alternative” news site I follow now & then …. it has a different perspective on Lyme disease & how it manifests . I tend to agree re the parasitesin the article, having had family members struggle with so many health issues only to discover they all had parasites – what a long, arduous & costly struggle it has been however , like you, they have a new understanding of gut healing & nutrition. This is the link:
Have you thought of going meat-free for a while – just a suggestion – I am sure you know meat causes inflammation & also takes a lot of energy for the body to digest so perhaps it might just help to give your digestion a break and consume more raw foods? Maybe try it for 2 or 3 months – can’t hurt. A BIG thank you for the delicious recipes … too clever … and so inventive…. I share them with my 3 gals …. Stay strong … and LOL …. it helps with everything . Kind regards & may the force be with you .
Thank you so much for the kind words AND the information. I am doing extensive research right now to come up with the best treatment plan for myself. There is so much information out there. I really lobe what Stephen Buhner has to say about it all—->
His ideas and protocols make the most sense to me. We are all so different.
And I am open to changing my diet. I am experimenting with it. One issue for me is the my body does not like too much raw food. I incorporate some and then I drink a detox green juice daily. And lots of anti-inflammatory foods. It is such a journey.
Thanks again for reaching out. It means so much to me!
Hello again from Down Under… yes I have to agree we are all so different – so what works for one, is a problem for another. Weird huh …. Thanks for the link – will check it out – I love to research and share the knowledge too. Just one more thing – I have been reading about (and taking) warm Turmeric milk – you take it at night for a restful sleep – or anytime really – so damn delicious!!! It has a few spices in it like cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, black pepper & coconut milk – and a little honey. It is a great immune booster – apparently for the curcumin (in turmeric) to be absorbed, it needs a fat & black pepper. Anyway the research shows it helps with the gut & truly just about everything. Turmeric is a powerful rhizome we could all use daily I think. There are lots of recipes online & this article gives a great overview:
Stay strong – talk to your cells – because they are listening. Now that’s scary!! Take care & lots of happy days ahead.
Thank you so much for sharing this (tears streaming down cheeks). Boy can I ever identify. It’s as if you stole the words right out of my head and wrote them in this blog! I am a Massage Therapist and Health Coach who has always been into clean, healthy living, but now more than ever because I too have Lyme and a myriad of other infections. Keep shining your bright light and sharing your wisdom. You are doing good!
Hi, Lindsey! This just made my morning. Thanks you! There is hope. Always. I am just starting on a 12 month herbal protocol (Buhner protocol) and will be posting how it goes. I am done with this Lyme thing. This si the year I get my energy back! 🙂 Thank you for your comment. I really means a lot!
My 4 year old daughter has been battling chronic lyme for so long. She first got it at 18 months. Thank you for bringing light to this horrible disease!! Would love to know more about what you did to get healthy.
Hi, Darcey. I would be happy to chat with you more. I am actually in the process of still healing. Please email me at I am happy to share what I am doing.
Thanks for sharing your story I was diagnosed with Lyme disease when I was 18 then came out of remission when I was 34 had another treatment went back into remission had surgery out of remission again.
Hi, Vanessa! Lyme is such a crazy illness to have. I am learning so much about it and how much we really don’t know. Hope you find some healing again. If you wouldn’t mind sharing what you so each time to put it into remission….. I would love to know. 🙂
I am your aboriginal hunter ancestor. I am here to give you a supernatural miracle. First make sole salt water from 1/2 celtic, 1/4 Himalayan, and 1/4 dead [coarse grind] sea salts. Put 40 ml sole in 1 liter of mountains spring or volcanic water. Wait 1 day. drink 1 cup 4 times a day. The sole and the ormus minerals are the solution you have been seeking.
Thank you so much for sharing!
I’ve had Lyme since I was around 7, but wasn’t diagnosed until I was 12 (despite many, many blood tests), and then wasn’t even properly treated, but I seemed to go into remission for 10 years and then I suddenly felt like I was dying one day. After countless doctor appointments and tests and ER visits, my GP suggested that it could be the Lyme, and after confirming it was the culprit I started going to a specialist and have been going for about 10 months now.
Though I’m not out of the woods yet, with the medications I’m on and exploring clean eating (which is how I found your blog in the first place), I’ve felt so much better. Just like you, I’ll still have my off days, and it is difficult to explain to people who I’m not close to why I’m so lethargic and have low energy all the time. But I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and we can both reach it 🙂
Again, thank you, and best of luck!
Hi, Samantha! Thank you so much for sharing. It helps so much to hear other peoples’ stories. It’s amazing to me ho many people suffer from this illness.I totally relate to what you said about explaining to people why you feel so tired. It feels so isolating at times. I wish you the best of luck. 🙂
I stumbled upon your site after seeing your recipe for detox juice on Yummly. I couldn’t have found it at a better time. I suffered with Lyme beginning in 2012 not knowing what it was, then after the birth of my son in 2013 it came on in full force. I treated with 14 months of antibiotics. I went into remission. I had my second 2 almost 3 months ago and it’s definitely back again, but not as bad…yet. I simply cannot do more antibiotics. I am looking into the Vital Plan by Dr. Bill Rawls. It is based on the Buhner Protocol and for some reason I just feel like this is what my body is telling me to do now. I am currently back at the phase of being angry with the disease and how “not fair” it is. Reading your blog is helping me get past this. Thank you and good luck to you. I look forward to seeing how you progress.
Thank you, JOJo, for your comment. It makes my day to hear support from other folks who have been there. We have to all support each other. It does fee “not fair” but there are worse things that I can imagine. I try to stay in that grateful place. Healing vibes sent your way!
I stumbled upon your site after seeing your recipe for detox juice on Yummly. I couldn’t have found it at a better time. I suffered with Lyme beginning in 2012 not knowing what it was, then after the birth of my son in 2013 it came on in full force. I treated with 14 months of antibiotics. I went into remission. I had my second son almost 3 months ago and it’s definitely back again, but not as bad…yet. I simply cannot do more antibiotics. I am looking into the Vital Plan by Dr. Bill Rawls. It is based on the Buhner Protocol and for some reason I just feel like this is what my body is telling me to do now. I am currently back at the phase of being angry with the disease and how “not fair” it is. Reading your blog is helping me get past this. Thank you and good luck to you. I look forward to seeing how you progress.
Hi, there! Thanks so much for sharing your story. Lyme sucks! My Lyme reared up after the birth of my second child. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling again. I am currently doing the Buhner Protocol. It was what spoke to me. I will have to look into the Vital Plan. I can relate to those negative feeling around having Lyme. I get bummed and angry sometimes. It’s constant work for mw to stay in gratitude for the good things in my life. But I am determined to get my health back. I have learned so much from all of this. I wish you luck on your healing journey.
Hi katja! I’m Mary an RN and lyme warrior too! Heard about you from your friend Elise (L&D RN in WA). I was elated as I know next to no one with lyme let alone another nurse. My story is similar to yours in that I became sick postpartum but wasn’t diagnosed till my daughter was almost three (11/14). I stopped working that same year. I’m getting better, not quite there yet and optimistic about the future. Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to you, someone who understands without explanation. Thank you for your vulnerability. Wishing you abundant blessings for a complete recovery!
Hi, Mary! Thanks so much for reaching out. It’s nice to connect with people in the same situation. I am so happy to hear that you are on the mend. I am hoping to be soon as well. It’s a long journey for sure. So nice to “meet” you! 🙂
Hi, Kristin! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. So awesome that you studied with Deanna as well. She is such a gift. I love her. I checked out your friends story and blog. And the clinic in PV. I actually spend time in that part of Mexico every November. I am headed there this November and will definitely go by and check it out. I am open to all options. And learning every day. Thank you again. I really do appreciate all of the kindness and support. xo
Of course Katja! Any and all options are what this community requires at the moment. I encourage you to check out the clinic during your next visit to Mexico – how ironic that it is in the same area. I am still working through the Body Mapping course with DeAnna and enjoying her every offering. Blessings to you!
I sent a comment through but I’m thinking it didn’t go through!? Maybe best because it was a little long…lol!
Thank you for your uplifting and positive blog! I decided after having lyme in 2009 and researching and obsessing over reading everything good and bad(mostly negative and depressing stories!) I would only read positive stories! I mean, who really comes back to post after they get better?? I’m GUILTY??!! I did get better and couldn’t stomach talking or thinking about Lyme disease another minute. I moved on, raised my family, opened my boutique back up and never looked back. I think that’s the reality and I remind myself this daily.
I tested positive for Lyme through Igenex and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever through a Labcorp in 2009. I suffered over a year, 8 doctors and $25,000 later(even went to Mayo…joke) before finding a LLMD. I wanted to leave my story for those struggling going the antibiotic route. I always loved to hear success stories both ways although it left me very confused!
I’ve never really been a “natural” person but I became one. Not because of the Lyme but because I thought I was dying of a undiagnosed cancer at the time. I knew I needed to eat better and built my immune system(although I’ve never been a sickly person). So I stared the natural route way before the antibiotic. I will say, for me I do not think I would have got better had I not taken the antibiotic, I know I wouldn’t have. Symptoms did not start clearing until I did. I never had many issues with the antibiotic(knock on wood). I’m always jealous of those that healed naturally but perhaps my immune system wasn’t as strong? Soooo, why am I back with symptoms again after 6 years?!? Not sure but I know I healed the first time and I’m more informed and healthier this time around. I don’t remember ever being bit by a tick and I think mine has to do with dental(that’s another story…lol) but I had major work done in December of 2016 and maybe that’s what caused the flare but we also have show horses, show pigs, goats and dogs so who knows for sure? BUT, I’m ready to conquer and get better for my family!
So I rambled on again but I wanted to give you a story of hope going the antibiotic route. I wish you the best of luck and many blessing on your journey to recovery. I will follow your blog, your attitude is uplifting! Take care.
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I agree, there are many ways to treat Lyme Disease. It is such a complicated illness. And I agree that there is a place for antibiotics. I have used a combo of herbs and antibiotics. And lots of other supplements and immune boosting things. I am currently on a ton of antibiotics and will be for quite some time. We all have to find what is best for us. I am taking it day by day and making the best decisions that I can. I hope that you heal quickly this time around. And please keep sharing your story. It helps me to hear what are others are doing. Thanks again for sharing!!
Hi Katja, Your doing an excellent job and I feel I am in the same life situation as you. I don’t have Lime disease but Hashimoto’s Thyroid and first I was making excuses why I felt soo tired and often no energy to do ANYTHING much, and that at still a young age with 2 young kids. I decided it was not normal and get a full health screening done. Hashimoto’s came up and made me understand a lot of things about my body and health. Like you said on the outside no one can see it on me but on the inside it wasn’t the same. My lifesaver has been the book by Anthony Williams called Medical Medium (he has a whole chapter on Lyme disease and how to heal naturally) He sais not eggs (I see a lot of eggs in your recipes) you might want to check it out. I also have backup from a wonderfull Homeopath.
My life and energy has changed soo much. I have energy back that I didn’t know existed anymore. I feel like a new person with new life and new possibilities ahead of me. Best wishes for your life and your healing path.
xx Wendy
Hi, Wendy! Thanks for sharing your story. I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better. I have heard of that book. I will take a look at it. Yes, I am experimenting with different ways of eating. It has been a stretch for me as I really need lots of protein in my diet. But I’m open to learning and trying new things. Thank you for reaching out. It helps to hear peoples’ stories. Have a sweet day!
Feels good to hear your story, very inspiring.
Thank you!
Hi Katja
You’re story is so touching and you are such a beautiful lady. Its great that you are not letting this get you! Take care of yourself as you are doing, everyone has a story you are right, you never know what someone is going through. My husband used to give blood as much as he could until one day he got the dreaded letter in the mail that he had a tick disease called Babesiosis. He suffered much muscle pain which one day disappeared than manifested itself in other areas which doctors could only attribute to IBS and a mild hernia. We believe his blood test gave a false negative, but we really don’t know. We spent so much money on Colonoscopies not covered at his age and blood work and CAT scans and still don’t believe the answers.
Thank you for sharing your story and listening to others. God Bless.
Thank you, Kristin, for taking the time to leave a comment. And for sharing your story. We are all in this together. I really appreciate your kind words. xo
I ran across this blog post after looking through your food blog. Thank you for sharing. My daughter had Lyme Disease for three years. She has since been healed for three years now. We tried everything here in the US and nothing worked. This quote “Now I am settling into the fact that this is my life.” from your blog saddened me. This doesn’t have to be your life. We took her to Germany for treatment and she is completely Lyme free and well as many others. You can find her page on Facebook at Adrianna’s Lyme Fight or email me for more information. Complete healing is possible!!
Hi, Wendy! Thank you for reaching out. I am so happy to hear that your daughter is well. And I will definitely check out your daughter’s blog. Thanks again! 🙂
Where in Germany?
Thank you
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Prayers and blessings for you. I suffer from autoimmune disorders, so I feel for you. But we have to keep on keeping on.
Hi, Josie! Thanks for the kind words. Yes, we just have to keep on moving forward. I’m learning so much every day. Blessings!
Hi Katja,
Thank you for sharing your story with us. It is very much appreciated. My dad has Lyme disease. He was first diagnosed with MS over a decade ago, but he knew it was something more and eventually he tested positive for Lyme. Actually, they think the Lyme caused the MS. He was bitten by a tick when he was five years old and lived in Rhode Island. However, he was very healthy until he was about 28, and had a car accident. It wasn’t a very bad accident, but it triggered something and then he suddenly had all these symptoms. He’s 56 now and he’s had so many problems. The chronic pain is probably the worst thing, but he’s had thyroid issues, heart problems, bone and muscle problems, and even Graves disease. The thing about my dad is that he isn’t very willing to change his diet. He’s tried a few supplements that I’ve suggested and they have helped a little, but he isn’t really interested in fixing what he eats. I want to help him so badly and I know a change of diet would help, but I don’t know how to get him to try. He doesn’t take pain killers or any pharmaceuticals except for his thyroid medication and so he’s basically just “going through” this disease with no kind of help. I know there isn’t really anything you can do, but I was just hopeful you might have some suggestions or tips as to how I can help him. Thanks and I truly hope everything works out for you on your journey of living with Lyme.
Hi, Kameelah! Thanks for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. Lyme is such a hard thing to live with. And it is so hard to watch our loved ones suffer. There really isn’t any way to force someone to make changes. It has to come from an internal drive. And having been ill for so long, I can imagine that your father is tired and just trying to make it through the day. It’s wonderful that you want to help him. And gentle guidance and information can be helpful. But know that he has to want to make a big change in his life in order for it to stick. The first step would be for him to see a Lyme literate doctor who can help him sort of what’s really going on. This take research and of course, money. I wish that I had a magic answer for you. Just keep loving him. Do what you can. But don’t take it on as your own fight. Your dad has his own journey that he is on. He has his own lessons to learn and decisions to make. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. You can also email me at I happy to share anything that I can. Your dad is so lucky to have such a loving daughter. 🙂 xo
Hi Katja,
My name is Danielle and I am new to your blog. Just turned 30 years old, am also a registered nurse and have always been basically more health oriented, I have been recently diagnosed as a LADA (autoimmune type 1) diabetic. I also have had anger and denial, and your post has helped me cope a little better. I agree that clean eating and excercise and some detox measures are the way to go. Currently I am working 12 hour shifts on a med surg telemetry unit which is quite exhausting some days. I am keeping my head open to new opportunities that would allow me to rest and not stress so much, just to heal my body which carries a stress burden already. I wish you much health, wealth and happiness. Thank you for your post, it has offered some hope to me.
Hi, Danielle! Thanks for reaching out. I totally get the anger and denial. I went through it all. Take it day by day. Everyone has their stuff and their journey to deal with. And you don’t have to figure it all out right now. I agree that making some changes to reduce stress and rest is key. I’m an RN as well, and I know the stress level all too well. Hopefully you can find some good tools to take care of yourself. Everything is a lesson. All we have to do is to show up. So show up in the best way that you can. Try to let go of the anger and why me? stuff. Baby steps to making changes. Do things that inspire and make you happy. Be mindful of negative thinking. I fell into a bad habit and am just now finding my way to being positive and inspired again. It takes work. And lots of yoga for me. I find gratitude the best way to stay positive. And being positive doesn’t mean you are happy all of the time. It just means that you know things will get better. Much love to you. Thank you for sharing.
I m dealing with Lyme right now. It is so hard. Do you have any specific food that helps you.
Hi, Sophie! That’s a hard topic to get into. We are all so different and our bodies need different things. I have found tat just eating a healthy real food diet full of healthy fats and good proteins works best for me. I try to avoid inflammatory foods like gluten, caffeine, and refined sugars. Sending you healing vibes. Hope that helps. 🙂
I am on the same journey with Lyme Disease. Thank you for so eloquently describing your experience, which I can very much relate to. I have found reading about other people’s experiences is validating and helpful. I have never been to your website before finding this article but I am always looking for tips and recipes as I know that real food is a powerful medicine for me.
Thank you. Wishing you continued healing and health
Hi, Stacey! Yes, you are not alone. We are all on this journey of health together. Glad you found me. Wishing you good health and vitality. 🙂
Hi Katja, thanks so much for your blog and info about lyme. I too suffer from years of undiagnosed chronic lyme. Everything you say rings so true. It helps to hear your story and stay motivated to not give up. Your story is similar to other stories I have read. When all of us get better we need to band together and demand changes to the health care and regulatory industries current lack of support for lyme victims. Under Your Skin was critical and forever thanks to all the team who made those documentaries, but there still is so much more work to be done.
To your health,
Thank you, Linda for the sweet message. Yes, there is so much work to be done around this issue. I am feeling so much better these day. I hope the same for you. Big love!
Hello Katja, FYI – I’m doing the celery juicing protocol by Medical Medium. Anthony William is knowledgeable about healing our liver using celery. I have been healing so much from many of my aliments. As well as so my thousand of people testimonies from around the world. Check out his Instagram @medicalmedium & his web Medical Medium . I encourage you now to look this up. Keep the Faith.
Healing journey with endurance,
Lydia Carlson
I had Lyme Disease for ten years 1998-2008 before I got the correct diagnosis. The Dr. Told me it was Fibromyalgia. I found a Microbiologist who finally diagnosed me. Which was 11 years ago. It took 2 1/2 years to get me in remission. In the last year I have the exhaustion again but not the pain. So depressing, I am only able to do what is really important. Again the Drs I have seen for my exhaustion have not even brought up that I could be relapsing! Thank you for this article to help fill in the blanks for me and what could be going on in my body. So depressing the go through this again. But so thankful I do not feel like I am coming down with the flu everyday. I am just exhausted and brain fog!
Hi, Harriette! I am so sorry to hear about your health. I get it. I really do. After YEARS of fighting symptoms, taking supplements and med, and doing every detox thing under the sun, my Lyme doc recommended DNRS to me. It’s a brain retraining program that saved my life- it gave me back my life. I highly recommend reading the book WIRED FOR HEALING by Annie Hopper. It completely changed the way I look at illness and the brain. After I read the book, I ordered the DNRS dvd’s. I knew it was the final piece of the illness puzzle for me. After doing the program to 4 months, I went to a live training. I can’t say enough about how much it has helped me. You can find out more about DNRS here: I’m happy to answer any questions you may have about it. You can email me at Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment. You are not alone. 🙂 (I HIGHLY recommend watching the SUCCESS STORIES on the DNRS website. When I saw them and heard the stories, I KNEW it was for me.)
Wow. I don’t know what to say yet I have so many things running through my mind right now. I got the cdc positive for Lyme dec of last year but I’m just now understanding the seriousness of it. I suddenly fell ill last year, found myself in the back of an ambulance, paralyzed and had critically low potassium. Just thought it was a weird isolated incident. But about a couple weeks after my body started to get really bad and I was soon diagnosed with POTS. Pots is a syndrome so I’ve been trying to find the cause and I tested positive for EBV and Lyme. But I’ve just been focused on supporting my immune system and trying to survive everyday I am just now getting to really researching Lyme. I started to grow more curious and open to the thought about what if I really don’t have pots and it’s all Lyme! There’s Lyme carditis which can look a lot like pots, except Lyme carditis can be fatal. Anyway, I’ve had to take a leave from work, it’s been four months. I’m also a registered nurse, working in the CVOR. I love this job but I’m facing the reality and possibility I may never be able to do what I love. But my hope is in God and all your words resonate with me. I think we have a unique perspective and approach to chronic illness bc like you said, we see both sides. The literature out there is so conflicting bc one side will say one thing and vice versa and I’m over here just wanting to get the right info so I can just get better. I’m cautiously optimistic. I don’t even know how I came
Across this post, think God led me here… But I’m sure glad I did, after I post this I’m going to find your blog and follow you and journey with you. My prayers are going out to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability and story. It’s already helped me a little.
Hi,there! I resonate with your story so much. And I know how overwhelming it can be. I am happy to report that I am doing very well. It has been an incredibly hard journey. At this point it is so hard to say what helped the most. But the thing that saved me in a big way is DNRS. After YEARS of fighting symptoms, taking supplements and med, and doing every detox thing under the sun, my Lyme doc recommended DNRS to me. It’s a brain retraining program that saved my life- it gave me back my life. I highly recommend reading the book WIRED FOR HEALING by Annie Hopper. It completely changed the way I look at illness and the brain. After I read the book, I ordered the DNRS dvd’s. I knew it was the final piece of the illness puzzle for me. After doing the program to 4 months, I went to a live training. I can’t say enough about how much it has helped me. You can find out more about DNRS here: I’m happy to answer any questions you may have about it. You can email me at Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment. You are not alone. 🙂
Your blog is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing your life, Im sure its not easy. I felt so related with your story. Im studying to become an Ayurvedic practitioner and I have been fermenting for a year now, Im still learning, very much by my self. I started this journey because of my familys health but also becaue of my husbands autoinmune condition. He has a liver fibrosis diagnosed when he was 16 years old. At that time doctors told him he had a year of life, today he is almost 42. It hasnt been easy, many ups and downs but fortunately he is still with us and having a happy life. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reaching out. Many of us find our way to healthy living through our health challenges (or those of our family’s). I love Ayurveda. Such a smart way of looking at the body. Keep doing the good work. 🙂
Hello there! Just came across your blog while searching for a recipe for gold milk. I just wanted to say while reading your post about having a chronic illness, it really struck a chord with me. I’m 34 years old, almost 2 years post-Covid and am still still dealing with symptoms from the virus (I’m what they call a “long-hauler”). Prior to getting the virus while working as an essential working in April of 2020 I was strength training at the gym 4-5 days a week, eating healthy, and truly in the prime of my life. Now I get winded doing simple tasks, still suffer from coughing spells that appear out of nowhere, and experience bouts of debilitating fatigue. There is still little information about the after effects of infection, but what I’m dealing with is certainly REAL even though sometimes I’m questioning my own sanity lol. There is some research that suggests it may be caused by microclots in the bloodstream, so I’ve been researching natural remedies. Some herbs do seem to help. I make a tea with ginger, cinnamon, jujubes, and honey but want to test out turmeric some more as well. Anyway, sorry for the book lol. Thank for the recipes and inspiration. Keep fighting the good fight.
Hi, Rachel, I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. I totally get how you are feeling. Hopefully you can find a Functional Medicine practitioner of some sort to help you unravel what imbalances still persist in your body after being sick. Someone knowledgable could help you rebuild and heal. Sending healing vibes.